He Remains Faithful
I woke up this morning feeling three times heavier than myself.
Dear friends are hurting, there are difficult situations around every corner, and I feel more fully the brokenness of my own body.
But the day must go on, so I got up and went to work.
Work was work; the cafe and its customers were all as normal.
But don’t people know the world is broken? Why are they buying lattes and breakfast sandwiches when it’s all falling apart?
Right, life must go on.
The cafe started to run out of a couple things. Milk, blueberries, tomatoes. I repeat it in my mind and grab my keys.
Milk, blueberries, tomatoes. Don’t forget.
Driving to the store.
Milk, blueberries, tomatoes.
The world is so heavy.
Milk, blueberries, tomatoes.
Is this the right turn?
Milk, blueberries, tomatoes.
The sky is gray, and it’s starting to rain. People look sad. The world is heavy.
Milk, blueberries…
There’s one more thing.
The world is heavy.
Milk, blueberries…
Tomatoes, that’s right.
And back in my car. I could cry, but the day must go on. There’s work to do, a cafe to run.
God, you’ve been here the whole time. The world is heavy.
I got the milk, and the world is still heavy–sin is heavy. I should repeat something else.
“If we are faithless, he remains faithful–for he cannot deny himself” (2 Tim. 2:13).
If we are faithless, he remains faithful.
If we are faithless, he remains faithful.
I don’t need to repeat that the world is heavy to know it deeply. It repeats itself for us every day.
I did need to repeat my shopping list.
And I did need to repeat God’s faithfulness, even though that also is present every day. I just don’t force myself to look at it every day.
He’s not only faithful when I am; He’s faithful when I’m not–when I’m going about my day, dragging my feet, meditating on everything that’s hurtful and heavy.
If we are faithless, he remains faithful.
How much does this encompass!
When others hurt us and we hide ourselves away,
When we are sick and ask God why,
When our families are broken,
When our church is broken,
When days are long and tiring,
When we are not where we thought we’d be by now,
And in all of this we ask “God, why?”
He calms the waves and says, “Child, why would you doubt?”
If we are faithless, he remains faithful.
The hurtful things will still hurt, but how much more do we know God’s goodness when we know pain. When we are faithless, and she is hateful, and he is angry, and they are divisive, he remains faithful.
This is how we go on about our days, or the heaviness might seem too heavy. Here by God’s grace. Doing the work set in front of us and clinging to the faithfulness and love of God.
If we are faithless, he remains faithful.